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Sumo Digital shares more insight into how easy it was to bring Snake Pass to Switch

by rawmeatcowboy
09 April 2017
GN Version 5.0

A portion of a GamerPros interview with Sumo Digital creator Seb Liese...

GP: It seemed that the Switch took really well to Unreal, and it was a smooth process for you. There weren’t any hitches at all?

SL: No. We only got our dev-kits for the Switch around the end of November last year. In December, lots of people had to take holidays (because they never do), so it was only in January that we really started looking at the port. The coders were saying that within seven days’ work approximately, they had it fully running on the Switch.

After that, of course, there were some tweaks. You’d notice that certain things didn’t work well enough on the Switch, so you’d have to make a couple of tweaks here and there. But yes, the initial process from it being purely PC to having it on a handheld was about seven days from what I’ve heard. I think in the future, that will be even quicker, because essentially, Unreal has an “export as Switch” button now, and because both Unreal and Nintendo have worked closely with us to smooth all this out. I think in the future it will be even simpler for other companies, and for ourselves as well.
