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Sumo Digital, Image & Form talk about how seriously Switch owners take game icons

by rawmeatcowboy
28 September 2017
GN Version 5.0

Coming from a Kotaku interview...

“The reaction to the icon change has been interesting, and as this is our first self-published title, it’s definitely a valid part of our learning experience. It’s also testament to the passion that players have for Nintendo and Switch that a detail like icons are part of the overall gaming experience and connection they have with the handheld.” - Sumo Digital rep

“A few of my coworkers had a hard time not reacting negatively and what were these people talking about? An icon!? What about the game, a magnificent game that we just spent 15 months making? Talk about style over substance... which wasn’t right either, because the style of the game was magnificent too.” - Image & Form’s Brjann Sigurgeirsson

With the way things have been going, I think devs should work on their icon before they do ANYTHING else. Really nail that icon artwork, then start making the game!
