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Capcom blog - Court Files: The Characters of Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, Vol. 1

by rawmeatcowboy
15 November 2017
GN Version 5.0

Court will soon be back in session when Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney comes to the Nintendo 3DS on November 21st in North America and November 23rd in Europe! Many of you may be new to the series thanks to Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies or Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice, or simply missed out on Apollo’s early adventures when AJ:AA first came out on the Nintendo DS in the west in 2008. If it pleases the court, I’m here to get you up to speed on some of the beloved characters in Apollo’s debut game.

We've previously featured Trucy and Apollo’s Excellent Adventure courtesy of the game’s equally excellent localization director, Janet Hsu, so let’s start with these two characters you’ll be spending the most time with. Watch out – here comes Justice!

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