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Pokemon News - More Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon footage, Puppet Show #26, TCG promo, Pokken Tournament DX Arcade update, Facebook/LINE filters

by rawmeatcowboy
16 November 2017
GN Version 5.0

Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon - more gameplay footage

Pokemon Puppet Show #26

Pokemon TCG - Latest Japanese promo video

Pokken Tournament DX Arcade - new update available

- runs from November 16th to November 26th
- allows players to get the following thanks to a Special Bonus:

Lucky avatar items
Support Pokémon sets
Support Pokémon titles

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon – Facebook and LINE filters


- special camera effect is now available in Facebook Camera
- based on Pikachu’s Z-Move
- only there for a limited time


- character filter featuring Pikachu and the three starters from the Alola region
- available until December 15th
