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Dodge Club Pocket coming to 3DS

by rawmeatcowboy
29 November 2017
GN Version 5.0

LOS ANGELES, CA, November 28th, 2017 – Celebrating the 10 year anniversary since the debut of Dodge Club as an art installation, designer James Montagna announced today that Dodge Club Pocket will be released on the Nintendo 3DS eShop. Based on the previously released mobile game, Dodge Club Pocket challenges players to a series of 64 different arcade game challenges, all in the micro-sized 16x16 pixel resolution. The Nintendo 3DS release will feature new content, including updated challenges and fun never-before-seen unlockable presents.

Designer James Montagna stated, “Bringing this game to Nintendo 3DS has been an ongoing spare-time project, and I’m excited to finally share this crazy game with everyone! I’ve collaborated again with Lindsay Collins (Linzb0t) to bring to life our cute, weird characters of the underground club, and the pixelated action is more fun than ever on Nintendo 3DS!”

Dodge Club Pocket is published by JAMES MONTAGNA, and co-developed by Warhorn Studios and MP2 Games (Noitu Love: Devolution, Freedom Planet). While a specific release date has not been announced, Dodge Club Pocket is set to arrive by Q1 2018, and will be compatible with all devices in the Nintendo 3DS family of systems, including the latest New Nintendo 2DS XL.
