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Jumping Joe & Friends now available in North America, special offer included

by rawmeatcowboy
25 May 2018
GN Version 5.0

Jumping Joe & Friends
Genre: Action/Arcade/Party
Price: $4,99 USD / 4,99€ (-50% for owners of Robonauts, Astro Bears Party or Pirates: All Aboard!)
Availability: eShop - May 25 in America | June 03 in Europe/Oceania
Developer: QubicGames & Vixa Games
Publisher: QubicGames

The creators of Robonauts and Astro Bears Party proudly present a new title perfect for intense playtimes with your friends and family.

Help Joe and his fellas on their upwards journey. Be quick as a flash and dodge roaring cannonballs, vicious bats and other traps. Perform high scores or leave your competitors in the dust!

- 3 Single modes: Arcade, Race and Hero with 8 unique heroes to unlock and upgrade
- Multiplayer “couch party” mode with 42 funny characters to choose
- Plenty of bonuses to collect and activate
- No learning needed, start right away
- High scores and wild challenges
- Suitable for all ages and skills
Multiplayer mode above. Up to 4 players, be faster...but alive!
Special offer for the players of our other games!
Enjoy a special deal - get this new game for half the price if you own Pirates: All Aboard!, Robonauts or Astro Bears Party (the two last ones are on temporary sales).

To put it simply, players can get 3 QubicGames titles for $6,50 / 6,50€ instead of 25!

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