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Surgeon Simulator is ‘Operating on the Go’ at Gamescom with an Ambulance-Styled booth

by rawmeatcowboy
22 August 2018
GN Version 5.0

Less emergent gameplay, more emergency gameplay, the Surgeon Simulator team will be rolling up to Gamescom this week in their very own branded Ambulance. But rather than doling out medical attention, they’ll be offering press and consumers their very first hands-on experience of the upcoming and highly-anticipated Nintendo Switch port - Surgeon Simulator CPR - complete with motion controls, HD Rumble and local co-op play.

Launching this Autumn, Bossa Studios last week released the very first footage of the upcoming game in the form of a brand new Announcement Trailer; a gloriously gory live action feature, which brings with it a whole new meaning to the term ‘operating on the go’...

Surgeon Simulator is the critically-acclaimed and infamously difficult operation sim by Bossa Studios. Starting life as one of Bossa’s well-renowned game jams, it was originally launched on PC in 2013, and due to popular demand, has since been successfully released on PS4, PSVR, iOS and now on the Nintendo Switch. It has generated over 2 million fanmade Youtube videos and has remained a popular favourite amid influencers including PewDiePie and Fernanfloo since launch.
