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A trio of classic Pokémon big-screen adventures arrives on DVD and Blu-ray in the Pokémon Movies 1–3 collection

by rawmeatcowboy
17 September 2018
GN Version 5.0

Host an epic movie night—or several!—with the release of a classic Pokémon DVD and Blu-ray movie collection. The Pokémon Movies 1–3 collection includes the first three Pokémon cinematic adventures: Pokémon: The First Movie, Pokémon the Movie 2000, and Pokémon 3: The Movie. It's an epic opportunity to see Ash, Pikachu, and all their friends as they go on some of the most amazing Pokémon journeys ever.

Look for the Pokémon Movies 1–3 set on DVD and high-definition Blu-ray starting October 2, 2018, where movies are sold.
