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Disney Infinity's creators were once working on Star Command, a cancelled Toy Story project for Wii

You're mocking me, aren't you?
by rawmeatcowboy
04 July 2019
GN Version 5.0

Avalanche Software worked on the ill-fated Disney Infinity, but it wasn't the only project they were toying with. At one point in 2009, Avalanche was working on a project called Star Command, which would focus on Toy Story characters traveling space in a third person action adventure. This title would have come to the Wii, but ended up getting canned. Check out new details on the never-released title below.

- originally planned as an expansion for Toy Story 3, and then as a full-on sequel
- the game was shelved in 2010, a year into development
- the team shifted focus to Disney Infinity
- Star Command was going to be a third person action-adventure game
- the game world was loosely based off Buzz Lightyear’s space force
- the concept was similar to Toy Story 3’s Toy Box, a sandbox mode where you could take on missions and mini-games
- Star Command would expand the world size, types of enemies you’d encounter, and variety of weapons and items
- the plan was to make a playable galaxy with a variety of environments spread over different planet-like levels
- players would travel via spaceship
- one of the worlds was pirate-themed, including a sea level the player would need to change to progress
- there was also a special sword that could morph into other toy characters, and enemies designed like sharks and eels
- other ideas were a fairy tale world and worlds that were populated by crazy 80’s action toys
- the hub world was going to be a spaceship similar to the spaceship-like cardboard box Buzz Lightyear toys are stored within
- from their ship, players could either follow the game’s story or mess around at their own pace
- there would be a story mode where you’d follow an original narrative, and then a toy-box type town building mode
- tight scheduling demands lead to the project's demise
- Disney gave Avalanche an ultimatum of working on a game with real toys, or adding more characters to Star Command
