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Good Smile Company releasing Fallout Vault Boy figure

Set for release in March 2020
by rawmeatcowboy
10 September 2019
GN Version 5.0

From the globally popular "Fallout" series comes a Nendoroid of Vault Boy, the mascot of Vault Tec! He comes with 4 interchangeable face plates in order to recreate various perk images from the games. He also comes with a Nuka-Cola bottle, a party hat as well as the arm and leg parts seen in the Cannibal perk image. Have fun mixing and matching all of the included parts to recreate your favorite moments from the games. Add Nendoroid Vault Boy to your collection, and enjoy recreating the world of Fallout!

This figurine won't see release until March 2020, but it's available to preorder now for 5,200 yen. You can grab your preorder right here.
