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Nintendo distributor in Hong Kong and Taiwan requires retailers to sign agreement to not break Pokemon Sword and Shield's street date

Pokemon is serious business
by rawmeatcowboy
07 November 2019
GN Version 5.0

Almost every big Switch title in the last year or so has had its street date broken by retailers the world over. It seems retailers in Hong Kong and Taiwan are the biggest culprits, having sold numerous major titles early. Nintendo distributor JustDan is fed up with the situation, and they're out to make sure the same issue doesn't happen with Pokemon Sword and Shield.

JustDan is now requiring retailers in Hong Kong and Taiwan to sign an agreement saying they won't sell Pokemon Sword and Shield early. If the agreement is broken, legal action may follow. You can see a rough translation of the agreement below.

By signing this agreement, you agree to sell the following goods listed below starting from November 15, 2019. If the agreement is violated, our company shall reserve all rights to pursue this matter through legal means. Talk is empty, hence (you have to sign this) agreement.
