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Platinum looking to address cluttered UI, camera aspects, and gameplay confusion in The Wonderful 101: Remastered

The best version of a fantastic game
by rawmeatcowboy
08 February 2020
GN Version 5.0

The Wonderful 101: Remastered should end up being the definitive version of The Wonderful 101. Platinum is certainly dedicated to making that happen, and achieving that "perfect" version of the game is going to take some tweaks.

In an interview with NintendoEverything, Platinum's Hideki Kamiya addressed some areas the team is going to work on for the upcoming revamp. The game's user interface is going to be tweaked to better accommodate play on a single screen. This was actually a feature on the Wii U version, but Kamiya feels things got a bit too cluttered. This time around, different elements will be resized and moved around to better fit, and make the experience more pleasing for the player.

Kamiya also wants to take a look at the game's many dynamic camera changes. There are all sorts of views incorporated in The Wonderful 101, including top-down, over-the-shoulder, and more. These camera angles will be looked over for The Wonderful 101: Remastered to see if they need some changing.

Finally, Kamiya also wants to do away with some of the player confusion from the original. It seems numerous players were having trouble deciphering when gameplay modes would change, leaving them confused as to what to do, or even what buttons to press. The goal this time around is to clean up those troublesome spots, and make for a more intuitive play experience.
