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Mega-Update 1.5 Out Now for Action-Adventure Sparklite, Game 30% Off Starting Today

A sparkly new update
by rawmeatcowboy
13 February 2020
GN Version 5.0

Gear up for adventure!Merge Games, together with developers Red Blue Games, are delighted to announce the arrival of the biggest ever update for the whimsical action-adventure, Sparklite!

Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 & PC players will be delighted with the amount of content and new features we’ve managed to cram into this latest update. To celebrate the arrival of this content rich update we’ve also brought back our Sparklite Demo on Steam! This Demo comes complete with the latest game updates so now you can try before you buy this wonderful and whimsical action-adventure!

As if that news isn’t exciting enough Sparklite is also currently on sale at 30% off on selected platforms, so what better time to try out the retro-inspired indie adventure?

Sparklite players who install Update 1.5 can look forward to;

New! Casual Game Mode - For an easier experience
New! Champion Game Mode - For the hardcore gamer looking to challenge themselves
Updated save slot UI
Enhanced boss fights
New character in the Refuge
New Baron cinematic
Updated sinkholes
Updated Furnaces
Chopping grass now has a chance to drop Sparklite
Thanks to our active community we’ve also added lots of bug fixes and quality of life improvements
Casual Game Mode:
The brand-new Casual Game Mode is intended for people who mostly just want to see everything Sparklite has to offer, without the pressure of failure. In this mode, hearts drop more often, players begin their adventure with more health & there are also more dig spots. This mode is ideally suited to players who want to focus on Sparklite’s story and enjoy the world of Geodia.

Champion Game Mode:
For players who like an additional challenge after beating the game. Ada's adventure will be harder this time around. Enemies and Titans will be stronger and have new attacks but, the rewards will be greater as they will drop more Sparklite. Players start the game with all schematics but Vaults no longer appear in the world. Choose this mode for a whole new way to experience Sparklite!

Finally, as if that wasn’t enough, you can now also earn unique banners in Town, (which can be seen on all saves, not just the one you finished the game on), for beating Standard and Champion modes.

Sparklite is an action-adventure set in a whimsical and ever-changing land. Battle foes in top-down action using an arsenal of gadgets, guns, and gear. Explore dangerous corners of the procedurally generated world, take down titans of the mining industry, and harness the power of Sparklite!

From solving puzzles to defeating a range of different bosses and enemies, Sparklite joins together elements of classic adventure titles such as The Legend of Zelda alongside a unique blend of approachable roguelike elements. Gear up for adventure and get ready to immerse yourself in an everchanging world as you take Ada on a journey across an assortment of different biomes and save Geodia!
