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Light Fingers To Release Mechanical Minds FREE Update This Spring

Get board all over again!
by rawmeatcowboy
24 February 2020
GN Version 5.0

Numizmatic Games is releasing a new, FREE update for their digital board game Light Fingers this spring. The Mechanical Minds update is primarily focused on delivering AI opponents to the Board Campaign. Up until now the Board Campaign portion of Light Fingers was limited to 2-4 players. That will now become 1-4 players, allowing single players to enjoy Board Campaign. It can also help you fill an incomplete multiplayer game (2 players becomes 2 players and 2 CPU) for more chaos and fun.

Numizmatic will also release a new free DLC package, Mechanical Minds, which adds:

AI opponents to the Board Campaign
Game achievements
A new model for the Marketplace tile
Game polishing

This new DLC will also be available in the currently released Nintendo Switch version.

Here is a new trailer showcasing the mischievous ways you can secure the most loot, by any means necessary.

[PR email]