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New details on Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time's story, characters, and more shared

A dream come true for fans
by rawmeatcowboy
01 March 2020
GN Version 5.0

Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time was just revealed a few days ago, but we already have a new wave of details to share.
Adult Swim Games hosted a panel at PAX East 2020 with series creator Genndy Tartakovsky and head writer Darrick Bachman, who revealed the following tidbits.

– Voice actors from the TV show are back
– Returning characters like the Scotsman
– Draws on the lore and story of the series itself
– Picks up at the series’ finale
– Ashi realizes she has Aku’s power within her and opens a portal in time
– She’s traveling with Jack to destroy Aku, who knows his time is done
– Aku launches one last ditch effort while they’re in the time tunnel and knocks Jack into a pocket of time where he’s trapped
– Jack is trapped in between time where he has to face everything that he’s ever encountered
– Aku is basically the puppet master and trying to keep him trapped
– Everything you’ve watched you can now play all over again
– Approached the story like doing another episode of the series
– Trying to utilize game mechanics and take advantage of the fact that Jack doesn’t know anything about this world
– All of these things that were familiar and friends start coming at him
– Everything Jack thinks he knows isn’t what it seems
– Great character arc where Jack is trying to find his way and losing hope again
– They talked initially about the potential issues with the project, but tried staying true to things like the color palette
– Developers at Soleil are big fans of the series
