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Work on the Super Mario Bros. animated movie continues with Illumination artists working from home

Mario marches on
by rawmeatcowboy
11 May 2020
GN Version 5.0

Plenty of movie studios have been hit extremely hard by the pandemic, as production on numerous films has shut down completely. It's hard to say when filming is going to pick back up, but it's a different situation for the animated side of things.

When it comes to Illumination, the team behind the animated Super Mario Bros. movie, it seems things are going well. It seems that a large chunk of Illumination's team already worked from home long before the pandemic hit, and other members of the team have made the transition quite well.

A source close to Illumination says that the past couple of months have been an "extremely productive, innovative and creative time" for the studio, and things like the Super Mario Bros. animated movie are still in active development. Unfortunately, we still don't have any idea when the film will launch, nor have we seen a single piece of artwork. At least work itself continues to move on.

Thanks to all who sent this in!
