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Nintendo leaks continue, this time focusing on Nintendo 64-era games

Here we go again
by rawmeatcowboy
26 July 2020
GN Version 5.0

After a wave of content leaked pertaining to Nintendo's developments during the SNES era, the situation has only gotten worse. A whole new dump of information has come out, and this time it's related to N64 titles.

While this information appears to be part of the same leak as yesterday, it covers all different games. A majority of the leaks pertain to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Super Mario 64, but there are definitely other N64-era games that have had content leaked. This includes source code, the N64 operating system, and more.

Just as with the last leak, we will not be sharing details on the content, or showing any associated documents. This information was stolen from Nintendo and/or their partners, and there's no doubt Nintendo will be going after the culprits with legal consequences.