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My Nintendo (EU) - 25-page Animal Crossing: New Horizons Starter Guide reward available

by nintendaan
03 August 2020
GN Version 5.0

Starter Guide - Animal Crossing: New Horizons
75 Platinum Points

Reward info
The starter guide to Animal Crossing: New Horizons will help you get settled in on your island getaway. It features tips on basic controls and choosing your island, and reveals how to make full use of your NookPhone’s apps. For those dipping into an Animal Crossing game for the first time, it also explains the goals of the game. All of this is excerpted from the game’s official, 432-page guide, Animal Crossing: New Horizons Official Companion Guide published by Future Press.

PDF format: 25 pages
Publisher: Future Press
Languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian
File Size: 27 MB

After you redeem this reward, you can download the Starter Guide in any language.