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Epic being sued over Fortnite's Coral Castle

Is Epic collecting lawsuits nowadays?!
by rawmeatcowboy
14 August 2020
GN Version 5.0

Coral Castle is a location in the current Chapter of Fortnite, which you can see in the image above. Turns out Coral Castle is also the name of a real-life location in Florida. The company behind that location, which is also known as Florida's Stonehenge, is out to sue Epic for using the Coral Castle name in Fortnite.

There's more to the lawsuit than just the name, though. The people at Coral Castle museum feel that the Fortnite location has a lot of similarities to the real-life spot, including “nautical/beach motifs, castle structures, partial castle walls, and stone objects.”

Coral Castle wants to get monetary damages associated with the confusion between the two, and for Epic using the trademarked name without their permission.
