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Pokemon Co. and Mister Donut team up for yet another collab

What a treat!
by rawmeatcowboy
10 November 2020
GN Version 5.0

Pokemon Co.'s collaborations with Mister Donut must be going extremely well, as the two are partnering once more. This time around, the eatery will be providing a lineup of Pokemon Sword and Shield-themed goodies to scarf down.

Starting November 13th and running to the end of December 2020, various treats featuring Pikachu, Chansey, and a standard Poké Ball will be offered. There will be Chansey lucky donuts, strawberry and chocolate-flavored Maru de Monster balls, and Pikachu donuts. You can also cough up some extra cash to buy special merch bundles that include bowl and mug sets along with your donut. You can check out pics of all the items here.
