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BLAZE Launch Another World'��s First '�" The Only 3 in 1 Games Selector for the Nintendo DSi

by rawmeatcowboy
15 September 2009
GN Version 3.1


Doncaster, UK – 15th September 2009 –Premium video game accessory manufacturers BLAZE have once again proved they are at the leading edge of gaming technology with their all new BLAZE 3 in 1 Game selector for the Nintendo DSi.

This revolutionary new device is designed to clip perfectly onto your DSi consoles holding three of your favourite games which are quickly and easily selectable using a single switch action. The built in game selection indicator allows us to see which game has been selected at a glimpse making the operation of the BLAZE 3 in 1 Game Selector simple and intuitive.

Long gone are the days of your games being dropped or worst still lost on the bus, train or plane. This new game selector also puts an end to the ferociously fumbling around trying to locate Mario Cart DS which always seems to win the game of pocket hide and seek! Now you can pick your three hottest games before you leave the door knowing they will be safe from those dreaded drops and knocks.

The new BLAZE 3 in 1 Game Selector is absolutely perfect for the younger DSi gamer too, being very simple to use whilst keeping those precious games safe without the risk of them getting lost.

So which combination will you choose – will it be Harry Potter, Rhythm Paradise, and Dr Kawashima or would you prefer Pokemon, Professor Layton and Club Penguin? Make your own dream trio combination and the BLAZE 3 in 1 Game Selector will let you flick between them with lightning speed!

The BLAZE 3 in 1 Game Selector combines the practicality of storing 3 games, with the complete ease of selecting which one to play all wrapped up is a sleek stylish unit which compliments the look of our DSi consoles.

The BLAZE DSi 3 in 1 Game Selector is available now from and all leading video game stores for just £14.99.


* Choose between 3 DSi games at the flick of a switch
* Holds 3 DSi Games
* Built in Game Selection Indicator
* The perfect for for the DSi console
* Self powered – No batteries required.

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