
Overwatch 2 launched yesterday to a myriad of issues, though it looks like many of them are being addressed as we speak. Over on the Blizzard forums, the Overwatch team shared their plans to address a few key issues plaguing the launch, namely the phone number requirement, queue issues, account merge problems and incorrectly locked heroes. You can check out the full blog post here, or read a quick rundown below.

  • As of now, an update is planned for October 7th that will make it so players with accounts will no longer need to provide a phone number to play
  • The servers are being scaled up, which will lead to more stability in the long term
  • A UI fix was pushed out earlier today, making it easier to complete the account merge process
  • Relogging into the game has resolved the issue of missing heroes and items for most players

It’s good to see the Overwatch team taking the steps needed to improve the game so close to launch. Hopefully Overwatch 2 will be in tip-top shape before long.

About camcritiques


Cameron, AKA Cam, AKA Cam Critiques is a big fan of all sorts of video games, especially platformers and RPGs. He covers news and contributes the occasional feature here at GoNintendo, but you can also see more of his game-related work at

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2y ago

The phone number requirement is emblematic of the problem with the OW team.

They too often come up with ideas that when revealed, are heavily criticized by players who say it's not a good idea, but do it anyway, find out for themselves it doesn't work, then try to correct it by going in the completely opposite direction. (Which makes you wonder if they ever really believed in their idea in the first place, when they suddenly do the exact opposite.)

It's been happening since about the 2nd year of OW1 with everything from balance changes to game design.

It really makes you wonder what the heck they are thinking - or even if they are thinking - about what they're doing.

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