New bug causing Pokémon Scarlet/Violet players to lose save files

The one thing in Pokémon you don't want to catch

06 March 2023
by rawmeatcowboy 7

No matter the game nowadays, there’s always bugs to squash throughout the game’s life. Usually these bugs are minor nuisances at best, but sometimes we see bugs that are truly nefarious. Unfortunately, the latter is the situation for Pokémon Scarlet/Violet players right now.

Following the most recent update to the game, Pokémon Scarlet/Violet players are being hit with save-related bug. This is a particularly nasty issue, as it’s causing save data to become corrupted, taking away hundreds of hours of progress. Needless to say, players who stumble upon this issue are none too pleased.

Usually we’d tell you the steps to take to avoid this save-ruining bug, but it doesn’t seem there’s one specific cause at this time. Some players have had the issue crop up after connecting with Pokémon GO, while others had it happen just by downloading DLC. This certainly makes a bad situation that much worse for players.

According to a customer service rep, Nintendo is aware of the issue. There’s no doubt a fix is being worked on at this time, and hopefully it results in keeping all players safe while also recovering save data for those impacted.


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For one of the largest entertainment franchises, Pokémon Company needs to put in a lot more effort for their flagship game titles and not create timelines that force incomplete products to go out to players.


1+ y ago

For one of the largest entertainment franchises, Pokémon Company needs to put in a lot more effort for their flagship game titles and not create timelines that force incomplete products to go out to players.


1+ y ago

Good Arceus, it’s just one damn thing after another with this game. We’ve seen updates that introduce new issues even with Nintendo-developed games but not to this degree, or to a game with so many issues to begin with. The regional Nintendo branches should raise hell at having to keep answering for this situation.


1+ y ago


Yeah, too bad they need to have a new region for a new TV show every 2 years. This is killing the games.

Who knows, with a bit of luck the revamp of the show with the new protagonists will change this giving the games more time in the oven, alas that is probally only whisfull thinking.

Edited 1 time


1+ y ago

Do Pokemon Scarlet/Violet allow for cloud saves? I'd be pretty irate if I lost game saves that can reach 100+ hours... especially if I did nothing wrong, just download some DLC. But I wonder if at least some people can re-download their saves from the cloud.


1+ y ago


The Pokemon RPGs are some of the few Switch games that don't allow for NSO cloud saves. Unlike with Animal Crossing, there's never been an alternate system developed either.

Thanks for filling me in. I feel bad for the people who have completely lost their saves.


1+ y ago

With peace and love, Game Freak need to learn how to write better software.