
You know you have a favorite Mario character…we all do! That also means there are plenty of other people in your state who have a Mario character they’d ride or die for. Now, just which Mario character is the most popular in your state? Let’s use a bit of internet sleuthing to find out!

Chicco, an Italian manufacturer of children’s clothing and toys, decided to spend some time digging through Google Trends to figure out which Mario characters reign supreme in each state. Specifically, Chicco used Google Trends to analyze searches for 10 characters in the Mario universe over a five-year period. The most iconic and well-known Mario characters were included in the rundown.


The image at the top of this post shows the most loved Mario character in each state, but when you crunch the numbers from those results, Wario comes out the winner in general. Wario is the favorite in 16 states, while Luigi snuck into second with 14 states. Poor Mario will have to settle for fourth place here!

Finally, Chicco also checked out Google Trends to see whether Mario or Luigi are more popular in any given state, and then they did the same with Daisy and Peach. How do you feel about your state’s allegiance?


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Comments (6)


1+ y ago

No love for Peach? That’s not possible!


1+ y ago

The mayor of Washington D.C. is Muriel Bowser. That can't be a coincidence.

Also, the fact that this date goes back 5 years means the Smash Ultimate Daisy reveal probably gave her a boost.

Not sure what this says about Waluigi but it is funny that the two non-contiguous states ranked him first.


1+ y ago

Could this hint for a new Wario Land game? :3


1+ y ago

If Wario is so popular how come none of these people support his platforming games? Also while WarioWare is more popular than his platforming antics even those don't light the sales charts on fire...


1+ y ago

are these results actually accurate? if so then, YAHHHHH BABBY LUIGI SWEEP *fkijg dies*


1+ y ago

I going to guess this is based on most searched terms and not actually most popular. Which skewed the data.