
The Switch has been an absolutely ginormous success for Nintendo. The system wooed gamers right out of the gate, and that momentum has kept up for the better part of 6 years. The latest example of that is Switch being the #1 console in the United States last month, and The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom selling over 10 million copies in 3 days, setting a new record for the franchise.

The statistics shared above are facts, but Sony also has some ‘facts’ they’d like to share. They did so in their recent Business Segment Meeting, which included a brand momentum report that compared Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft. According to Sony, their momentum has been consistently higher than everyone else since 2018, and Nintendo has barely moved.


The chart above is the one that Sony shared to back up their claims about being the ‘Strong Gaming Brand,’ but many are pushing back on this report. First off, what data exactly is Sony looking into to measure out these numbers? Second, Sony Interactive Entertainment Global Brand Tracker of Brand Momentum is the source for this information, which is basically Sony saying they talked to Sony and found their information to be true.

In the grand scheme of things, silliness like this chart doesn’t really matter. Sure, there may be a few analysts or investors who are wooed by seeing things like this, but those who manage to barely scrape the surface can still spot that this report is a little dubious. Still though, you have to wonder how Sony could put this out and think it wouldn’t be immediately questioned.

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Multiple successful theme parks. One of the best performing movies of all time. One of the best performing consoles of all time. Several game titles that are best sellers. All later than 2018.
Yeah. Sure thing Sony.


1y ago

“Brand momentum” sounds like the 2020’s version of “blast processing”. Never heard that term before and I hope to forget it very soon.


1y ago

Multiple successful theme parks. One of the best performing movies of all time. One of the best performing consoles of all time. Several game titles that are best sellers. All later than 2018.
Yeah. Sure thing Sony.


1y ago


It's business lingo, they've been using it for decades. That's why you've never heard of it. It's clearly a slow news day for Nintendo.


1y ago

They are not wrong. However, that being said, that doesn't mean that Nintendo has bad products, or are going down. It just means that they haven't made any real 'WOW!' not since Breath of The Wild. Again, doesn't mean that Nintendo sales haven't been solidly GOOD. Because they have been.


1y ago


You're being fooled by the marketing spin. This site is trying to imply what Sony wants its shareholders to believe. That Nintendo is somehow failing. This is wrong. It just means that Nintendo has had no major surprise spikes or dips. They've been consistent. Which by the way is what ALL business want. They just want constant solid sales, like Nintendo has since 2018.

I was being sarcastic. I don’t believe the marketing BS coming from Sony.
If anything it’s “Sony” as a brand that is failing. The “Playstation” brand is strong but “Sony” is not.


1y ago

Hey, Sony is being innovative by bringing back the WiiU :D


1y ago


Not even a WiiU! What the fuck is the point with Project Q?


1y ago

The spin is funny, but I see Nintendo diversifying their product lineup for the long-haul (which they should've done on Wii) to minimalize disasters like the Wii U, and make them less likely to be disasters, which is going to raise their floor quite a bit. Something Playstation is very likely not happy about.


1y ago

Has Sony done ANYTHING other than preen for the past decade?

Actually, make that the past two decades.


1y ago

It's not like the GT movie will get even close to the Mario Movie.