You may recall the Final Fantasy racer Chocobo GP releasing to mass ire due to heavy use of microtransactions. Well, it seems Square Enix have recently re-released the game as a full release as opposed to a free to play title.

Now the game is available for $50 and you can check it out on the Nintendo Switch eShop at the link below!

EDIT: To make the story on the game’s original release a bit more clear. While the game did launch with micro transactions and a Battle Pass the game was heavily altered after it’s first season to reduce the focus on these features.

Unfortunately, by the time these changes had been made, the game was out of discussion and many (including myself) we’re unaware these changes had been made.

Also the “free-to-play” version of the game mentioned earlier was more accurately a stripped down Demo of the proper game.

We apologize for the misunderstanding we may have caused.

Thanks to mirby for the heads up!

About jmaldonado


A recently graduated creative writer hoping to work his way into the greater gaming sphere.

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Comments (3)


1y ago


This article is a bit misleading. The game never had "heavy use of microtransactions" nor was it ever "free to play"

It did have them, yes, but it was far from heavy. There was also a battle pass of sorts, and both were tuned down drastically after Season 1, so only a few months after launch. At that point, it was easy to get every major item from the pass without spending actual money thanks to giving out free Mythril (which was also the only paid currency) enough to get the full pass. Even then, you could get everything through normal gameplay as it was via collecting the in-game ticket currency after Season 1 ended, another change to move away from and address the complaints about microtransactions.

However, due to the state the game launched in these changes were ignored and there was a false assumption that SE did not listen to the feedback at all, which they did as best they could.

As for "free to play" that was just a demo that had a few features and was limited, it was infinite use sure but not a free to play version per se.

That said, this is a good rerelease.


1y ago


Thank you for the clarification! I'll edit the article to try and make things a bit more clear. I just remember people taking issue with the game at launch and was also under the false assumption that nothing was done to address the changes.

Thanks for the edits. I appreciate it :3