
Nintendo has announced that Advance Wars™ 1+2: Re-Boot Camp has been delayed in Europe and North America for an unspecified about of time due to recent world events, likely due to the subject matter of the game. It was initially planned for launch on April 8th.

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2+ y ago

I mean I get it...but man this game is never gonna come out at this rate..


2+ y ago

Makes perfect sense, really. Don't think it'll be pushed off too long, though.

And "unspecified about of time"? What's that all about? =)


2+ y ago

The conflict in question has been going on for 8 years now and it hasn’t stopped publishers releasing games. There have been conflicts in several parts of the world that have been raging for ages and publishers/developers have barely made a peep about them (all the while releasing games that accurately depict ongoing wars to the protest of basically nobody).

If it’s a disrespectful time right now to release a game like this then there never will be an appropriate time to release it in a world such as ours.

The conflicts, yes, but those have now escalated quite a bit recently and gotten a lot of media attention. No one will get hurt if they release it some weeks later.


2+ y ago

well... the original one on the gba was delayed (in europe at least) due to septembre 11... so... yeah...


2+ y ago

I think it's pointless, but I get the PR concern. There 100% would have been a dumb sanctimonious article from Kotaku at least.


2+ y ago


The events of the last two weeks don't compare to the previous eight years. From the millions of refugees to the millions of people worldwide now at risk of starvation due to the disruption of 1/3 of the global wheat supply, it's just not the same.


2+ y ago

Awww maaaan....I get it...but it's still unfortunate news.

Side note: I love that GoNintendo's speed/timeliness of news is still on point with the reboot! Basically the first news source that posted the information to my feed besides Nintendo's twitter!


2+ y ago

Isn't now actually the time to capitalize on a war strategy game? I'm only kind of joking. Isn't there a nuclear bomb simulation game that got really popular again recently on steam? And Plague Inc. got a huge boost at the start of the pandemic.

Obviously it would be tasteless to try and market a game based on an ongoing humanitarian crises, but I don't think anyone would be hurt if this game released on it's original date.


2+ y ago

I can understand (and accept) the reasoning, this delay has to do with the ongoing conflict, unlike the last one which was to polish the game a little bit more.

If I recall correctly, the original Advance Wars first release was in North America just two days before 9/11 and that apparently delayed the launch of the European version to 2002, while the Japanese version didn't launch until 2004 in compilation with the second game. I don't know if that's also consequence of the events back in 2001, though.

Edited 1 time

I really ad to laugh a bit when China banned Plague Inc...


2+ y ago


This is my point. An estimated 160k civilians have been killed in Syria since 2011 for example; millions of innocent people displaced and seeking refuge. Yet Nintendo were happy greenlighting a game about war while such conflicts were rampant in the world, but are now too respectful to release such a game because…? There’s a war that’s more close to home for Westerners being pushed in the public eye?

I’m not saying what’s happening is important, far from it, but the amount of tokenism surrounding the current situation in Ukraine is honestly nuts.

Edited 1 time


2+ y ago

Games about war will never be "appropriate".


2+ y ago

Definitely understandable. Here is to more peace in the world.


2+ y ago

Sure, this move is predominantly performative, but you have to understand and expect it from a publicly traded global company. Honestly the smarter move from a business and branding perspective would be to release it with a statement that the game features fantasy violence in a fantasy setting and that 50% of the proceeds from the sale of the game will go toward Ukrainian refugee relief: a way to satisfy fans and the more concerned woke crowd.


2+ y ago

Wayforward, take this opportunity to use sprite based graphics instead of what you're giving now. Really...that motion tween cheap flash animation for mobile games will hurt this game a LOT!


2+ y ago

Delayed again. It's timing is unfortunate, it's a cartoon style port of GBA games, there's no graphic violence. The delay is understandable though. It's very sad what is happening in Ukraine. Shame on Putin and Russia.

Completely agree, what's happening right more sensational than anything else. These days people love react, cancel and act like they are making a difference; make a big show of things even as they don't understand everything.


2+ y ago


Yeah, the art direction in general looks mediocre.

The worst kind of peace is world peace if you really think about what it would have to take to obtain it... food for thought.


2+ y ago

I was afraid this would happen but makes total sense.

I don’t have enough time to play it anyway!


2+ y ago

I have mixed feelings about this. First, I think the delay is dumb. There's always war/suffering going on somewhere and there's always media depicting war and violence. Delaying a cartoony war game won't change anything. But at the same time, the delay won't hurt any of us. I remember on Sept 11th seeing someone post "I hope this doesn't delay the release of the Xbox". I was like "Jeez, how self centered can you be?". Basically, we can live with a delayed game whether or not it'll make any difference.


2+ y ago

Bummer I preordered last summer. But this is totally understandable.


2+ y ago

This shouldn't be necessary, but I understand that in this day and age anything can stoke outrage on Twitter.


2+ y ago

There is too much media hype around this conflict thats been going on for eight years, I don't remember any Wii or DS games getting delayed during the Russia/Georgia conflict back in 2008. Just seems like an unnecessary PR move, is Kirby next?