
Overwatch 2’s Invasion update launched today, and it features a bevy of new goodies, including new modes and heroes. If you’re looking for more insight into the development process of this update, has you covered with a roundtable interview they recently conducted with some of the Overwatch 2 developers.

The devs discussed their goals regarding the new Flashpoint PVP mode, the new hero, Illari, and the new PVE story missions. Check out some of the tidbits below:


  • Flashpoint maps were designed symmetrically in response to criticisms that Overwatch’s Push mode was unbalanced
  • Flashpoint was designed with late-game comebacks in mind, especially with hero swapping
  • The team has discussed bringing back old maps from the Two Capture Point mode, but nothing is finalized
  • Flashpoint map Suravasa was originally planned as an assault map, but the layout is completely different now, just repurposing the theme


  • Illari’s kit is made up of: solar rifle for primary fire, a healing beam that uses solar energy for secondary fire, and a healing pylon which sticks to a surface to heal nearby players
  • Her Outburst ability launches you forward and knocks over enemies in your path
  • Her Ultimate is Captive Sun, an explosive fireball which slows and damages enemies
  • Designed to be accessible to new players and allow for different play styles
  • Works well on consoles because you can plant your healing pylon and don’t have to be good at aiming

Story Missions

  • Story mission AI will be completely rebuilt from Archives missions to be less predictable
  • Destructible limb system allows you to take off individual limbs, but enemies keep coming until they’re destroyed
  • Harder difficulties will change more than just increased enemy health and damage, will be a real challenge
  • Each mission should last 30 or 40 minutes

Overwatch 2’s Invasion update is available now on Switch!

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