Nintendo Co. Suspend Shipments to Russia

They join the likes of Sony Group Corp.

10 March 2022
by camcritiques 7

Bloomberg has reported that, in response to ongoing world events, Nintendo is one in a large list of companies that have suspended shipments to Russia. This follows the news that Advance Wars 1+2: Reboot Camp has been delayed for similar reasons and that eShop payments currently can’t be processed in Russia.

It is currently unclear if and when this will change. You can find Nintendo’s official statement on the matter below.

“We have decided to suspend shipping all Nintendo products to Russia for the foreseeable future. This is due to considerable volatility surrounding the logistics of shipping and distributing physical goods.

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Comments (7)


2+ y ago

Now puttin is gonna stop, please..


2+ y ago

This is really dumb.
Nintendo should remain neutral in all this. You're just spitting in the face of every Russian Nintendo consumer.


2+ y ago


It may have less to do with taking sides, and more to do with the fact that the Russian currency has completely crashed in value. I can only imagine that makes doing business in Russia very difficult.


2+ y ago


@mereel- Bingo. The ruble is now worth less than 1 US cent.


2y ago


Thought to look at my old comments this weekend and thought I should reply now since currently Russia’s ruble has hit its strongest level in 7 years despite massive sanctions. Nintendo needs to reverse course on this decision unless they intend to do this for every country that invades or goes to war. (spoiler warning, that's almost every country including America and China)

Now it's over 53 cents! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


2y ago


I think it has more to do with the fact that Russia has drastically transformed how they do international business, and also demonstrated they are not an equitable business parter.

The ruble is up right now--but that's basically because Russia's foot has been on the gas pedal. It's likely among that, there's other reasons why Nintendo is gun-shy at the moment.