
More info concerning the upcoming BioShock film adaptation is beginning to trickle out now that the recent writer’s strike is at an end. The newest tidbits come from an interview with director Francis Lawrence conducted by the Post Credit Podcast.

Lawrence sounds very optimistic about the project, explaining its current status and how they’re working to stay true to the spirit of the game:

Before the strike, when we were working, that was the project I hoped was far enough along that we could have started the research phase. But I will say that we have a draft that I’m really, really happy with and truly love. Michael Green, who has been a friend of mine and wrote Blade Runner 2049 did it and I think it’s really good and really exciting.

No actor discussions or anything like that yet. We wanted to crack it. You know, what’s great, you being a fan of it, is that BioShock has an amazing game and an incredible world with an extraordinary mythology. There’s a detailed mythology, history, and backstory that is fantastic. The truth is, you have to create a character, right? So we wanted to spend the time to ensure we cracked it, worked in the mythology, and stayed true to the spirit of the game, much like adapting a book. I think we really nailed it.

[Francis Lawrence, Post Credit Podcast]

Lawrence also talks about the possibility of turning BioShock into a franchise with multiple sequels, but says that the first movie will focus on the first game’s story only. Click here to read more, and stay tuned for more info as development continues.

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