Datamine potentially hints at new sports coming to Nintendo Switch Sports

Serving up new sports? It's in Nintendo's court!

02 May 2022
by jmaldonado 5

It seems some potential future sports for Nintendo Switch Sports may have been found in a datamine. While none of this information is confirmed and could very well be cut content we still would suggest not reading on if you don’t want to be spoiled.

Twitter user @Wipeoutjack7 posted that within the games files references can be found relating to “Basketball” and “Dodgeball”. While the user postulates that this may be cut content it could also possibly point to future DLC for the game.

The user also gives credit to @Paniaal_ for being the first person they know to have mentioned this find so we would like to give them that credit to.

What do you think? Do these updates seem likely to you? If true do you like the sports chosen or would you have preferred something else?

About jmaldonado


A recently graduated creative writer hoping to work his way into the greater gaming sphere.

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I really hope they're coming eventually. The game as it is feels light on content especially after how much more Wii Sports Resort offered over the original Wii Sports, Nintendo Switch Sports feels like a step backwards in some ways.


2y ago

Could be either honestly. I'm leaning on them being scrapped content though. Because why wouldn't they mention them for future updates when they already mentioned Golf? Seems weird to keep them secret when they don't seem shy about Golf.


2y ago

I really hope they're coming eventually. The game as it is feels light on content especially after how much more Wii Sports Resort offered over the original Wii Sports, Nintendo Switch Sports feels like a step backwards in some ways.


2y ago


Maybe golf is further along in development? Might also just be wishful thinking on my part. 😅


2y ago

I was a little bit interested in getting this game for kids and casuals at my home, but it felt like it lacked content. Maybe if they add a few more things, I'll give it a shot. Dodge ball sounds like it would be fun.


2y ago

If you can dodge a Joy Con, you can dodge a ball!