
Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD was officially announced for Switch during their September 2023 Direct. As of now, the only release date that this remake of Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon has been given is a vague ‘Summer 2024’. However, it’s recently been rated by the ESRB, indicating that it could be ready to go already.

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD has received an official rating of E for Everyone. Generally, an ESRB rating is a sign that a game is finished and nearing a release date. Is it possible that Nintendo is considering moving the game’s release date up a few months? Alternately, it could just be finished and waiting for an opening in Nintendo’s release schedule. We can only speculate until they unveil a firm date for us.

Below, check out the ESRB’s detailed rating blurb:

This is an adventure game in which players assume the role of Luigi as he retrieves mysterious artifacts. Players search haunted houses while using a flashlight and vacuum pack to suck up objects and capture ghosts. Some ghosts can punch Luigi, causing him to cry out, blink, and collapse to the ground. Other sequences allow players to shoot seeds at mice and launch cartoony bombs at enemy creatures.

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