
Earlier in the week, Nintendo shared their Q3 results for fiscal year 2024. As is tradition, that breakdown was followed by a question and answer session for investors. During that Q&A, an investor asked about how the Switch’s continued success relates to Nintendo’s next-gen hardware and when we’ll finally learn about it.

According to Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa, the Switch’s current success isn’t impacting plans for the company’s next round of hardware. Simply put, putting together a new piece of gaming hardware takes time, and Nintendo is making sure they’re doing everything they can to make the device a success.

You can see the full question and Furukawa’s response below.


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6M ago

As it should be. I've seen various conversations about how the Switch doesn't need a successor until the Switch stops selling, or that Nintendo wants to wait until they beat PS2 sales before they release a new console. Nintendo certainly isn't basing the release timing of their next big thing off something like meeting a sales record, and they're not going to risk losing momentum by releasing a console too late. The console has been in development for a long time and it will release when Nintendo feels it has the best opportunity to shine.