
Tomb Raider I-III Remastered just dropped on Switch, providing a way to experience the early Tomb Raider games with modern tweaks and enhancements. Before now, the best way to play the first Tomb Raider games might have been through OpenLara, a recreation of the original game engine. Created by XProger, the engine allowed players to alter graphics, framerate, controls, perspective options, and more.

XProger took to Twitter yesterday to explain that the OpenLara project is currently on hold. That’s because developer Saber Interactive actually hired him to work on the official Tomb Raider I-III Remastered collection. He refers to it as “a dream project that has become the culmination of the last 8 years of my life”.

Sometimes projects such as OpenLara result in takedowns and lawsuits, but here’s at least one example where it actually got the creator a job! It sounds like XProger indicates that lots of love and work went into Tomb Raider I-III Remastered from himself and the rest of the team. He also mentions that they read through every piece of fan feedback they can find. For more insight into the game’s development and answers to fan questions, click and read through the entire Twitter thread below.

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