
Streamer MajinPhil has made history by completing the first recorded 100% no damage run of The Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask, you can see their reaction the claiming victory up above. This comes as a follow up to their previous no damage Any% run three years ago.

The incredible achievement was made over a 10-hour long marathon in which MajinPhil also forbade themself from using glitches or even the shield requiring themselves to dodge every enemy attack. Reflecting on the challenge MajinPhil credits their victory to practicing the final boss early in the stream which helped them bring the win home.

The world of challenge runs is a testament to the legacy games can leave long after their original release date.

About jmaldonado


A recently graduated creative writer hoping to work his way into the greater gaming sphere.

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Author, let me help you out. This guy is a dude. It’s painful watching people like you jump through linguistic gymnastics to try to virtue signal. This is a man. Let it go.


5M ago

Hmm, isnt the mirrorshield forced to be used in some light puzzles?


5M ago


They didn't use the shield to block attacks, it was still used for puzzle solving.


5M ago

Author, let me help you out. This guy is a dude. It’s painful watching people like you jump through linguistic gymnastics to try to virtue signal. This is a man. Let it go.


5M ago


Thank you! I actually had to bother signing in, in order to correct this grammar monstrosity that has recently taken over our language.

It’s one thing to use they/ their when you talk about a hypothetical person. But this guy is clearly a dude.