
Anjali Bhimani is an actress known for her appearance on shows like Ms. Marvel, as well as for playing RPGs on Critical Role. For video game fans however, it’s likely you first encountered her as the voice of Symmetra in Overwatch.

In an interview with Game Informer, Bhimani reveals how she got the role of Symmetra and what it meant for her career. It was in fact her very first video game voice acting role, and she was completely unprepared for just how much it was going to take off:

“All I knew is I’m doing the new game for Blizzard. And I knew that Blizzard was, you know, no slouch. They’ve done a lot of really cool things before, so chances were this was gonna be really cool. But I had no idea. I don’t think anyone really did.”

[Anjali Bhimani, Game Informer]

Bhimani also says that she got to have a voice in the process of creating Symmetra’s character, working with the rest of the dev team to decide elements of her personality and voice. While Overwatch was her first gaming role, it certainly wasn’t her last, and you can now hear her in other games, including Blizzard’s own Diablo IV.

For more about Bhimani’s gaming history, and her love of tabletop roleplaying games, be sure to check out the full interview.

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