
When Metroid Prime Remastered launched, Nintendo set the priced at $40. Nintendo fans were hoping that would be the price going forward with various remasters and HD re-releases, but Nintendo has had a different idea.

Luigiā€™s Mansion 2 HD is launching in a matter of hours, and Nintendo revealed awhile ago that that title would be priced at $60. Those who were hoping the situation would be different with Donkey Kong Country Returns HD, get ready to be disappointed, as Nintendo has just revealed a $60 price tag for that as well.

What does Donkey Kong Country Returns HD offer over the original Wii release? You can play the game as it was first designed for the Wii, or reduce the difficulty for extra hearts and other goodies to make your journey a little easier. The game has also been visually enhanced in HD and includes the extra levels from the 3DS version. Whether that content warrants the $60 price is completely up to you.

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Comments (9)


7d ago

Wonder still if there is some kind of funy upgrade, but Funky kong were in the original so maybe a Lanky mode could work to add (lanky gameplay in 2d could be quite interesting with those extreemly long arms).


7d ago

That price IS bananas. I might have considered it at $40, if only for the convenience of playing it without hooking up my Wii or WiiU. But at $60 I'm out.


7d ago

It needs to have some new things to justify that price, otherwise it really is inexcusable and this is coming from a Nintendo and DK super fan!


7d ago

Wasn't the original Wii version 60$? Sounds fair considering it's in hd and adds all content based on the 3ds version.


7d ago


Nintendo didn't sell *any* Wii games at $60.


7d ago

Is anyone actually surprised?


6d ago

I will gladly pay $60 for one of the best platformers of the last decade, polished, with additional content not on the console version. The fact this is even an argument when *every* remake/rerelease is pretty much priced this way. Fuck, Madden is now like $70 for a yearly roster update. This is fine, normal, and fair. People just like to shit on Nintendo.


6d ago


Ok 50$ then?

But then you have carts that also factor costs.

Fine to me.


6d ago


Just answering your question. You're free to pay whatever you desire for it.