The first wave of Mario Kart 8’s Booster Pass DLC is less than a week away, scheduled for release on March 18, 2022. It’s already been noted that the track choices and aesthetics seem to be at least partially lifted from the mobile title, Mario Kart Tour. But just how much has been taken from that game, and what’s changed? Check out the video above for a closeup look at exactly what these upcoming tracks entail and what their inspirations are.

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2+ y ago

I am a bit bummed as I come to the realization gradually that this MK8D Booster Pack is largely just a way to lift MK Tour’s tracks - be they new or retro - and place them into MK8D. I don’t play Tour, so these will still be “new to me,” but it does explain how they are able to double the track list for only $25.


2+ y ago

I don't really mind content from Mario Kart Tour because I never played much of it. It will be all new to me! I'd just like to see more SNES tracks, one from each course type at least. Especially SNES Bowser's Castle!


2+ y ago

Im honestly looking forward to this as i never played Mario kart Tour. We will just have to wait and see i suppose. :)


2+ y ago

When Tour came out, the general consensus seemed to be that the growing, wide selection of tracks in it from past and present would work great in a mainline MK game, but the F2P elements were a drag.

So even if the DLC pack ends up being mostly Tour tracks, sounds like exactly what a lot of players want.


2+ y ago


To be fair, the original DLC packs on Wii U, which were new tracks, was around $12 for 16 tracks, and it also included new vehicles and characters.

The booster pack is cheaper if you go on a per-track cost, but not by much, and it doesn't include new characters or vehicles.

So in general there's not really a whole lot of difference in price/value here between the booster pack and previous DLC.


2+ y ago

The physics are wildly different so it will see be fun. Also, we can go off road more often so it will be great!