UPDATE: Switch version is confirmed, but will come at a later date. Other versions launch Oct. 7th, 2022.

Some good news/bad news with Marvel’s Midnight Suns. We did indeed get a new trailer for the game, which has been rumored for a couple of weeks now. You can see that trailer in full above.

The bad news is that this trailer didn’t include a Switch logo at the end. We’ve known for awhile that a Switch version was in the works, but not seeing the Switch logo at the end of this trailer certainly gives cause for concern.

We’ve reached out to the game’s publisher to try and get a comment on the situation, and we’ll keep you posted.

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2y ago

Many games have already shown time and time again a Switch version can outsell other consoles' versions combined, yet publishers continue to treat a Switch version as the last priority.

It's baffling.