Nintendo Switch Online app updated to Version 2.0

See which friends are online, and more

07 March 2022
by rawmeatcowboy 2

The Nintendo Switch Online app has just been updated to Version 2.0. You can hop on your mobile device right now to grab the update, which includes a couple of new features. Check out the full, official patch notes on this update below.

  • The app’s overall design has been updated
  • You can now see which of your friends are online
  • You can change your online-status settings
  • You can view your friend code
  • Other minor changes have also been implemented
Thanks to Kolma for the heads up!

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2+ y ago

Does anyone actually use this app? For the life of me, I don't have any use for it unlike with the PS app.

I rarely use it, just once in a while when I remember to "check in" in the Animal Crossing portion to get Nook Points.

I didn't like the idea of their app to begin with, but they could have at least found more ways to make it useful. After 5 years it's still only Animal Crossing, Splatoon and Super Smash Bros. that use it for anything other than just voice chat (and in my experience there is nobody using it for voice chat anymore when I left it open while playing Mario Kart 8, Luigi's Mansion 3 and Super Mario Maker 2 a few weeks ago). I wouldn't mind if they let you browse the eShop through the app and/or send notifications when a game in your wish list goes on sale.