
Square Enix has updated their official info page for Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition with a correction on info they previously shared.

This info page originally stated that Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition would let players choose between the original and remastered soundtracks while playing. Apparently that’s not the case, with Square Enix now sharing this message.

This article originally incorrectly stated that users can switch between the original and remastered soundtracks. Please note that this was in error and only the refined music can be played.

This article originally incorrectly stated that users can switch between the original and remastered soundtracks. Please note that this was in error and only the refined music can be played.

Here’s where things need a little more clarification. Square Enix has been releasing rearranged tunes for Chrono Trigger: The Radical Dreamers Edition, and those will be part of a soundtrack release for the game. These rearranged tracks, as far as we can tell, do not appear in the actual game. They were created for a soundtrack and nothing more.

This means that the remastered tracks you hear in the game are upscaled, cleaned-up versions of the tunes from the original Chrono Cross release. In other words, if you were looking forward to hearing tracks in Chrono Cross: The Radical Dreamers Edition as they were in the original release, that will indeed be the case. The only difference is that these tracks will be of a higher quality.

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