In the era of technological novelties surprising us every day, finally there is something new and fresh. Engage the newest Switch experience - nOS (codename Fuji). Transform your favorite console into an amazing, and surprisingly small personal computer. Stay tuned, as nOS will be available later this month.

Enjoy every awesome feature of the nOS. Draw, write, calculate, organize your day and play around at your convenience. All the tools you need are here!

Brighten up your day and customize the nOS to suit your every need. Find your favourite setup and create the fantastic user experience you deserve.

nOS includes:

  • Splendid customization options
  • Reliable tools (Notepad, Sketchbook, Day Planner)
  • Brilliant design
  • A charming puzzle game
Thanks to Sligeach_eire for the heads up!
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Comments (7)


1+ y ago

Wow, this is actually really cool and kinda surprising to see them work on such a unique front end user experience type thing. Kudos. Feels like an odd precursor to. Nintendo phone that will never come out

Oh wait it’s just a standalone piece of software that emulates a vintage PC/OS and has an organizer and a game included? Eh

Edited 1 time

bahamut omega

1+ y ago

Could argue that Nintendo just made their own version of the late Atari's Portfolio. But alas, minus most of the physical and software features it had with maybe a few exceptions like being much more storage in comparison.


1+ y ago

Wow. Nintendo making sure to tell everyone just how unbearably out of touch they are now lmao this is tech from 1995. This is what they should have packaged the Wii with so it could compete with the PS2 and Xbox. It would have actually been even remotely noteworthy then. Unlike now. I actually own a switch, but it is 10X over the last Nintendo console I'm getting scammed by. Nintendo is nothing but a boomer meme now and they've made it clear they are soley devoted to exercising that facet specifically.


1+ y ago

So I'm guessing it can't run spotify?


1+ y ago

Well done everyone, fooled into thinking this was an official operating system by Nintendo 🤣.
It's an app developed by Reddeer games.


1+ y ago

It's a new game from Red Deer Games called nOS. It's not an operating system from Nintendo.


1+ y ago

Y'all do realize that this is a *game* by a third party developer and not Nintendo, right?