Publisher Wadjet Eye Games has announced that The Excavation of Hob’s Barrow, a folk horror narrative-driven adventure from developer Cloak and Dagger Games, is now available on Switch, priced at $14.99 USD. For those on the fence, a free demo is also available.

Antiquarian Thomasina Bateman is writing a book on the barrows of England, documenting the treasures she finds buried within. When an intriguing letter summons her to the small village of Bewlay, tucked away in the remote countryside, she sets off by train with her assistant a day behind.

Upon her arrival, however, the mysterious man who summoned her is nowhere to be found. Her assistant never arrives. A stubborn landowner refuses access to the barrow, and the locals are wary of this woman who is traveling alone and (gasp!) wears trousers.

The excavation of Hob’s Barrow is off to a rocky start. And then Thomasina starts having strange dreams…

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