
Overwatch 2 had a rather bumpy launch when it arrived a few weeks back, and while things are definitely better since then, players still have a lot of gripes and complaints. Thankfully, Blizzard is listening.

In a new blog post from Blizzard, the team reveals that they are planning a number of tweaks and adjustments to the game. First and foremost, the new Ranked mode will be getting an overhaul due to ‘poor comprehension’ from players.

The new Ranked mode suffered from poor comprehension. There was confusion around players’ real rank and how that translated to their skill level, difficulty forming groups with friends, and a negative impression of the matchmaker when players of different ranks were put in the same match (even if their skill levels were similar). We will be implementing some changes in S3 and quite a few more in S4 all aimed at creating more clarity in the system. More details on short-term changes and long-term vision will be coming soonTM.


That’s not the only area of Overwatch 2 that will be getting an overhaul in the coming weeks and months. You can see everything else Blizzard plans to address in the full blog post here.

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