
Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse originally launched for the Wii back in 2008, but sadly, the title never left Japan. Fans of the Fatal Frame franchise have been longing for a chance to play this installment, and that’s finally going to happen through the Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse remaster, which is heading for Switch on March 9th, 2023.

Why is Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse getting a remaster and localization after all this time? Nintendo Everything spoke with Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse: producer Yutaka Fukaya to find out.

When we released the remastered version of Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water in 2021, it thankfully caught the attention of many people and we received a wide range of feedback. We were able to feel first hand that there are people all over the world who would like to see more titles in the series released, and we wanted those who first discovered Fatal Frame through Maiden of Black Water to further experience the allure of Japanese-style horror.

We then decided to remaster Mask of the Lunar Eclipse, which was the title that received a particularly large number of requests for a remaster. The same reason applies to localization for English-speaking audiences. We believe that localizing the game for that region is essential to reach a wider audience.

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