
Did you know that February 21st, 2023 marks the 30th anniversary of the Star Fox franchise? It’s crazy to believe the series started that long ago, yet there are still millions who love this unique franchise decades later.

Takaya Imamura is one of those who remains extremely fond of Star Fox, and it’s no surprise he does. Imamura was the main art director, character designer and storywriter of the Star Fox franchise during his time with Nintendo. While Imamura left Nintendo in 2021, he definitely still has a place in his heart for Fox and the gang.

In honor of the 30th anniversary of Star Fox, Imamura shared the artwork you see at the top of this post. He also shared a short message that reads as follows:

Thank you for supporting me for over 30 years, Fox! And everyone involved in the games you’ve appeared in! Thank you!

[Takaya Imamura]

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1+ y ago

One day Nintendo will recognize the anniversaries for Star Fox and Metroid.


1+ y ago

I cannot see why Star Fox cannot work on Switch. If not a new game, atleast a port of Zero.