
NEO: The World Ends With You finally gave The World Ends With You the sequel they’d been waiting for, complete with the style and vibe of the first game, but with all new characters, features and more. While there’s a ton to do and see in the game, it turns out one interesting idea got left on the cutting room floor.

In an internal Square Enix interview, NEO: The World Ends With You Director Hiroyuki Ito spoke about one idea that was considered for combat during development, but the team decided to scrap it for pacing reasons.

“We considered implementing pins that would allow the player to psychically pull out and throw objects in the city, such as building signs, and utility poles. However, since the combat ended up being so fast paced, we realized that players wouldn’t have the leeway to focus on the city scenery. So unfortunately, we decided to forgo this idea.”

[Director Hiroyuki Ito]

This is just one small tidbit from an interview that speaks with Director Hiroyuki Ito from Square Enix, Game Director Koji Yamamoto from UQIGMO and Lead Battle Designer Hideyoshi Shimomoto from h.a.n.d., Inc.. If you’re a fan of the series in general, you’ll definitely want to check out the full interview here.

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