Season 3 premiere of Ted Lasso shows big love to Nintendo

Ted's a great guy with great gaming taste!

15 March 2023
by rawmeatcowboy 2

Season 3 of Ted Lasso premiered today, and right off the bat we see a lot of love for the Big N.

The opening moments of the third season premiere show Ted and his son hanging out in an airport. Ted’s son is waiting for a flight, and he’s killing some time by playing his Switch. We don’t get to see what he was plugging away at, but this moment does lead to a Nintendo discussion just a few seconds later.

Ted walks up to the flight attendant to get his son ready to board the plane, which facilitates this conversation.

Ted Lasso: Little guy was trying to unlock Princess Peach on Super Smash Bros.

Flight Attendant: I totally understand…I once held an entire flight to Sydney hostage until I finished the final level of Breath of the Wild.

Ted Lasso: Hmm! Feels like a potentially troublesome sentence to say in this setting, but hey, I appreciate you!

I’d love to show you this clip rather than write about it, but recording Apple TV+ clips is blacked out, leaving me with just audio. I’ll keep an eye out for a recording of this moment and add it to our post should one pop up.

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Comments (2)


1+ y ago

That was a nice reference in the opener. Ted Lasso is a great show.


1+ y ago

BOTW doesn't have levels, and to say ON Smash instead of IN is weird. But I love when this happens. Just wish they'd have someone to check stuff like this. Also the kid holding it like that makes me cringe!