
Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse has finally seen a release outside of Japan 15+ years after its Wii launch in Japan. The brainchild of Makoto Shibata and Suda51, Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse focuses on a group of children who mysteriously disappeared during a festival. While the children were eventually found, all of them had lost their memories. 15 years after the events of their disappearance, the now-teenagers return to the island to figure out what happened all those years ago.

To celebrate the game’s remake and launch outside of Japan, Suda51 took to Twitter to share a few words about the game. Outside of offering a few kind words and general excitement for the game’s arrival, Suda51 also let loose with a very interesting tidbit from the game’s initial development.

According to Suda51, the dev team actually experienced some paranormal events during the creation of Fatal Frame: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse. Sadly, Suda51 doesn’t share any specifics as to what the team encountered, but there’s no doubt it both hindered and helped development, creating what Suda51 calls “one of the most frightening games in the world.”

Earlier this year, Fatal Frame: Mask Of The Lunar Eclipse director Makoto Shibata mentioned that some of the game was inspired by haunting dreams he had experienced in his life. You can read more on that story here.


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