
In a legal battle ended as quickly as it began, Monster Energy went after Pokémon Co. and Capcom over their use of the word ‘Monster’ in their trademarks. As you might expect, these trademark complaints were shot down almost instantly.

Monster Energy’s trademark disputes were filed in Japan, where they were squashed soon thereafter. Monster Energy seems to be on a trademark tirade at the moment, as they’ve filed over 100 complaints in Japan for all sorts of companies and brands that use the word ‘Monster’ in some way.

Apparently Monster Energy has been doing this for quite some time, and have become well-known to be a bit of troll on this topic. Even after losing their battles against Capcom and Pokémon Co., Monster Energy continues to file more complaints against other companies. Monster Energy argues that use of the word ‘Monster’ in other names/products could confuse consumers. Obviously, the legal powers that be disagree.

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It’s absurd how much ego and stupidity a freaking energy drink company must have to pick a trademark battle with the company behind the highest selling IP on Earth. I’m glad Death Stranding got rid of the piss drink made by these asshats. I hope nothing but the worst for them


1+ y ago

It’s absurd how much ego and stupidity a freaking energy drink company must have to pick a trademark battle with the company behind the highest selling IP on Earth. I’m glad Death Stranding got rid of the piss drink made by these asshats. I hope nothing but the worst for them


1+ y ago

Jokes on them pretty sure Pocket Monsters were around way before Monster Energy...


1+ y ago

Monster energy how stupid are you? Pokemon should be suing you because you were made after they were already an established game series! 🤣


1+ y ago

In addition to the reasoning being dumb as heck, Pokémon precedes Monster Energy by several years.


1+ y ago

That's what happens if you consume too much of your own product.


1+ y ago

This is freaking hilarious. They're trying, and losing, HARD, to protect a name that they don't even own! Who do they plan to go after next, folklore itself? "Hi, Medusa? This is Monster Energy, we're suing you for being called a monster." Sorry, not sorry, but I find this IP protection over a name is funny, and stupid 😆
It hasn't worked for singers, it hasn't worked for celebrities, its not going to work here. You can't trademark a common word. Now, if they tried to replicate the way the word is written or their logo, THEN they'd have a case, but I don't see that anywhere. Or heck, if they straight up put "Monster Energy" somewhere, then they might have something, but this? Just the word that encompasses a vast variety of mythical creatures that the human brain has deemed as "unusual"? Vampire? Monster. Werewolf? Monster. Banshee, gorgon, sea serpent, dragon, roc... the list goes on for days, they're all "Monsters" and they're a LOT older than you Monster Energy.


1+ y ago

Hahaha, how dumb. I thought it was the opposite and that was already silly but this is insane.